IS MARCH 1st, 2024:
Congress has a looming deadline on March 1st and another on March 8th. To prevent a government shutdown, they need to pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) or new spending bills.
Our people need investments in programs like WIC, SNAP, Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid – not cuts. Let your Members of Congress know that our lives and the programs we rely on are not bargaining chips

Republicans in Congress went back on their deal: They had already reached an agreement on a budget that would keep the government open. This means that unless Congress votes to authorize expenses like SNAP Benefits or Disaster Funding, agencies are forced to stop providing essential services. Immediate impacts include: 10,000+ children losing access to Head Start; SNAP programs running dry and less resources in case of natural disasters.
Why? GOP Republicans want to force a choice between a government shutdown or agreeing to budget cuts designed to end social support systems for BIPOC, working-class families, seniors, and children.
We’re building a rising movement of people fighting for a future of opportunity, equality, and inclusion. CPD Action works on campaigns that expand the voice and power of workers, communities of color, and immigrants on issues of economic and racial justice.